Friday, April 30, 2010

How Many Drops of Water will Fit on a Penny?

This is a great investigation that Kid Scientists of all ages can participate in.  Read on for extensions for Big Kid Scientists.

Materials: eye dropper or pipette,  penny,  cup of water,  towel (the cat is optional…Rooney was helping)April 25 004


  • Ask Kid Scientists to predict how many drops of water will fit on a penny.  Little Kid scientists should record their prediction.  Big Kid Scientists can grab this lab report to record their thinking.
  • Using room temperature water, carefully add drops of water to the top of the penny, counting how many fit.
  • How close was your prediction?

Extensions for Little Kid Scientists:

  • Will you be able to fit more drops with cold water or warm water?
  • Will you be able to fit more drops on the “heads” side or the “tails” side?
  • Will you be able to fit more drops on a clean penny or a dirty penny?
  • What questions do you want to test?

Extensions for Big Kid Scientists:

  • Big Kid Scientists can grab this new investigation to test coin size
  • Research and write a scientific explanation of why so many drops of water will fit on a penny


As always, The Science Mommy would love to hear about your investigation.  Let me know how it turns out!

2 Science Moms have commented...:

Shopper Gal said...

Loving your google docs (you're so clever!!) this blog is brilliant.. just like you :)

Jennifer said...

Thanks Tessa...I am hoping people have fun with the investigations!